Those first tastes of the garden have made it to our tongues! They were small bites, indeed, but they were fresh, home-grown and flavor-packed!
You might recall that I’m growing bulb onions for the first time this year. I have grown scallions, or bunching onions and leeks in the past, but never bulb onions.
The entire flat is off to a quick start with thick germination. Once they’ve reached about five inches tall, it’s time to cut them back. As with most pruning jobs, this encourages growth in other parts of the plant. Here, it will result in thicker stalks and bigger bulbs, fingers crossed, anyway!
I’m already sold on growing onions you guys. If it means I get to harvest and EAT something before the ground is even close to thawed, I’m on it! These onion tops were a bright accent to Asian-flavored rice and veggies. Yum, yum. I can think of several other meals that would host such a topping well. Hopefully I’ll be making at least one more snip before these get put in the ground.
It is very normal for the black shell of the seed to remain on the tip of the onion top. We just left it on when we ate the tops, but you could pick them off if you prefer.
Lookin’ peppy with their new haircut!
Do please share a seedling update from your garden in the comments!