About this time of year, I get REAL antsy to get my fingers deep in the dirt and to be barefoot in the sun. We all go a little crazy as the walls feel closer in and our bodies crave fresh garden veggies. I used to struggle, I used to struggle a lot all winter. In an effort to stay in MN instead of fleeing south, I’ve been peeling that struggle apart and making an effort to enjoy MN winter instead of escape it. Last year I wrote a post marking my first full winter, enjoyed! I’m happy to report that this winter’s climate was far more difficult (an uncharacteristic number of days in single digits and lower) and we still enjoyed it a lot. While our winter hasn’t quite ended, I’m marking the triumph now, reminding myself of the good to help me (and maybe you?) pull through this last, sloppy leg of the winter journey.

The key for me has been to STAY ACTIVE OUTSIDE. Our time used to be so consumed by DIY-renovating our old duplex. I am so thankful much of that has passed! Even now, there are some big hurdles to getting outside:
1. It can be really tempting to snuggle with hot tea and wool blankets, instead. It’s probably a good thing I don’t have the added temptation of a fireplace.
2. It is a ridiculous ordeal to get snow gear on children, especially a toddler with strong opinions of unreasonable things: “Yes, you need to wear underwear,” “No, you can’t go barefoot in the snow,” I often hear myself say, as my words are followed by a tantrum. Even my seven year old seems to spend most of her day in another world, so doesn’t actually hear me say, “Get your boots on.”
I don’t really have answers to help those things, sorry. Just push through anyway because it’s beautiful out there! Also, give yourself an hour to get out the door… But it’s worth it.
Indiana Dunes State Park (Lake Michigan shoreline)

Duluth’s shoreline (Lake Superior)
It’s a must-visit destination for each season. My kids love to play on the massive rocks, whether they are covered in ice or gravel.

Sledding, Skiing, Hiking, Ice Skating, Building Quinzees…

It would be too many photos to include it all! We sure don’t have to travel to enjoy winter’s beauty. We’re so fortunate to have an amazing park system here in the Twin Cities.
We’ve got several tricks up our sleeve to keep hiking adventures enticing for the youngin’s. We all feel so much better when we get out, move our bodies, get our hearts pumping and explore the beauty!

May your end to the winter and coming of Spring be filled with beauty and life!
What winter activities or adventures has your family enjoyed?