The rhythm of the seasons is a welcome drumbeat to our lives. Now more than ever before, I’ve appreciated the respite from summer work and summer play. Winter has been a time for us to slow a little and simply be. That rest takes on many forms, but one over-arching theme in our home has been making. Yes, making foods and ferments as always, house projects forever (though that kind of making isn’t restful!), but more than those – making whimsy and whatever the mind can conjure! The kind of craft that is mindful, that helps us slow.

As my girl turned 6 this winter, I’ve been marveling at her own personal display of initiative and creativity. Everywhere I turn, I’m noticing a new something taped to the wall (she’s quite smitten with tape), yarns and ribbons adorn handles and knobs in every room, and the piles of craft supplies and paper shreds threaten my sanity… But it is good; winter is the perfect time for crafting. Messes (usually) reflect a beautiful journey of exploration and learning, the child-led way (at least this is a mantra I’m constantly comforting myself with in the midst of my overwhelm!)

This winter’s making has included some landmark crafting memories – learning to knit and learning to sew. Those are skills she’ll cherish forever, but probably more joy-giving to mom and dad has been the little crafting bits she has come up with on her own, and carried through without our knowing. I usually find these little creations at the end of the day when I’ve finally got some child-free time and I’m … ahem, cleaning.

As the end of winter approaches, and our garden has officially been started (seeds indoors, of course), I’m savoring these moments of beauty, rest and making just a little bit more, knowing the hard work and hard play of summer is nearing. May you also find beauty, rest and making in your days, my friends.