About Holly

Welcome to Budding Homestead! I’m Holly – earth cultivator obsessed with growing food, dot connector at Tended, homeschooling mama, house chef, major DIYer, blogger and regular runner who has always been an old soul with many dreams.
My family and I are growing lots of food and eating the food we grow. This didn’t used to be a novel concept, but much of our society has become removed from our food system. The tide is turning, though. More and more people are digging in the dirt to see what will come up. I’m so grateful to be a part of this breath-of-fresh-air real food awakening. This way of life is new to us, but seems to run deep in my blood and is extremely rewarding. When we’re not outside working in the garden, our family loves to stay connected to nature by hiking and camping.
About our space
Our bitty homestead is situated on a city lot in the center of Minneapolis, MN’s art district. We’ve torn up our lawn and aim to grow as much food as we can in the zone 4 urban space that we have. As the years since our move here in 2010 have gone along, we’ve put in countless garden beds and perennial fruits, and have added babies, chickens and honey bees to the homestead, plus fixed up an old, old duplex! Whew!
About the blog
Here, I record my learnings, tips, resources, experiments, inspirations, and oh so many photographs. The farm-to-table element of this blog is steady because, well, there is a lot of food coming out of those plots and something has to be done with it all. Stay tuned for preserving through the year, and recipes. Here to help us eat it (and grow it) are a couple little munchkins you’ll see from time to time (6 & 1 yo). With this blog I hope to support, inspire and learn from others in their gardening or homesteading journey.
Get in touch!
Keeping this blog helps me stay attuned to the beauty and life that I encounter when I’m doing even the most mundane tasks. It helps me remain grateful and fight that tendency to let the homestead chores become just a long work list. The blog is all the more rewarding when I hear from readers. Please do send me a message or make a comment on the blog. I love to hear from everyone.
A tip o’ the hat to you for being here!
For more details about our operation, check out my interview with Soule Mama.